December has arrived and that means we should expect colder weather. We suggest dressing in layers. Help keep clothing out of the Lost & Found by labeling the inside tags of coats, sweatshirts and hats. Congratulations to this week's PBIS raffle winners!
9 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
PBIS weekly raffle winner
December weather has arrived
Mrs. Lane and K students sing at lunch
Falls teachers recognized our students of the month at the monthly schoolwide meeting run by the 5th graders. We had a special presentation from the Grade 4 Mindfulness class who taught us a calming strategy called 5 Finger Breathing.
9 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Schoolwide Meeting Opening
Coming Events
Gr 4 Mindfulness Class
Nov Students of the Month
We had an exciting and fun day Thanksgiving Eve at Falls! Some of the activities I saw today included creating turkeys out of digraphs, decorating balloons for a parade, making snacks and a special Wednesday PBIS raffle drawings. Happy Thanksgiving!
9 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Balloon parade
Turkey Digraphs
PBIS raffle winners
Thomas Bethoney's Feinstein Foundation Golden Ticket is a winner! Thomas just won $5000 for our school and $500 for Cradles to Crayons. For being the lucky winner, Thomas will get a prize from the Feinstein Foundation. Keep up the good deeds!
9 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
The winning ticket
Nurse Devellis & PTO volunteers put together Thanksgiving baskets that will go to families in North Attleboro. Thank you to all the families for your generous donations. Any additional non-perishable items that come in will be added to our Feinstein Food Pantry. @FeinsteinFound
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Thanksgiving Baskets
Today was an unseasonably warm day that coincidently corresponded with Grade 2 making ice cream on the day that happened to my birthday. Congratulations to this week's raffle winners! Good luck to our Super Bowl bound 5th graders!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Making ice cream
PBIS raffle winners
cake with the principal
Super Bowl bound
Friday, November 17 is PJ Day. Your voluntary donation of $1 will go toward our Holiday Baskets. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Thanksgiving food drive! Big shout out to the Silva-Barese family for a very generous donation!!!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Nov 17 PJ Day
Thanksgiving donations
PJ Day in front of Hat & Mitten Tree
Come support the Senior Class’ Annual Student vs Staff Basketball Game this Thursday, November 16 at 5 pm in the NAHS gym! It’s open for everyone in the community! Tickets will be sold at the door for $5, and a 50/50 raffle will also take place during the game! Go Big Red!
10 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Thank you to all the Veterans who joined us for our Veterans Day celebration! The students and teachers enjoyed meeting you and hearing your stories. Congratulations to our PBIS raffle winners for being respectful, responsible and safe!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Veterans Day celebration
Honored guests of the Veterans Day celebration
PBIS raffle winners
Veteran and his Falls student
Our Thanksgiving basket drive has started. We are collecting items from now until November 16. Your donations will help local families. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our children that they can and do make a difference!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Thanksgiving baskets
What a great Friday! Author Michael Sampson read and previewed his books. Grade 3 visited Plymouth. We recognized PBIS weekly raffle winners. And during Fun Friday, two 2nd graders hit foul shots to win the grade 10 minutes of extra recess.
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Author William Sampson
Gr 3 Plymouth Pautuxet
PBIS winners
Gr 3 Plymouth trip
Happy Halloween! Please be safe and keep the candy at home!!!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Halloween - Mr. Sarkarati's
Gr 3 Mrs. Frizzle Magic School Bus
Halloween Lunch
Halloween K Princess
Great job to the 5th Graders who led the School Meeting! We learned about our new schoolwide Voice Meter, had presentations from Gr 3 & 4 and recognized our Students of the Month. Special guest Kelso the Frog stopped by to teach us how to solve small problems.
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
School meeting October
Kelso's Choice
Gr 5 students leading the meeting
October Students of the Month
So far 20 Falls families have recognized a Veteran. If you have a loved one who you would like Falls to recognize this Veterans Day, please send in your Wall of Honor dedication and we will proudly display it.
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
wall of honor
wall of honor
wall of honor
Malcolm Mitchell and Patriot Subaru celebrated reading achievements like football accomplishments. What a wonderful night for the students and their families.
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
community reading
students recognized for reading
The Falls Book Fair is open Monday until 6:00 pm. Use the library door to enter and leave the Book Fair.
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Book Fair
What a special treat! Author and former New England Patriot Malcolm Mitchell stopped by Falls to read his book "My Very Favorite Book in the Whole World". Thank you to Patriot Subaru for giving a copy of the book to each student in Grade 2!
10 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Malcolm Mitchell poses with Gr 2
Malcolm Mitchell signs a book
Malcolm Mitchell and Patriot Subaru give a book to each student
Malcolm Mitchell reads his book to Gr 2
Congratulations to our PBIS raffle winners for being safe, respectful and responsible! This week, while visiting classes I learned the Narrative Diamond song and saw a lot of focused, close reading. We ended the week with a Fun Friday karaoke edition during Grades 2-5 lunch.
11 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
PBIS raffle winners Oct 20
Empowering Writers Narrative Diamond Song
Close reading
Fun Friday Taylor Swift
Falls former Interim Principal, Mrs. Brown, surprised the students today by stopping by to say hi. The students and teachers were very excited to reconnect with Mrs. Brown! Maybe I can get her to do lunch duty?!
11 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Mrs. Brown surprises classes
North Attleborough Cares reached out for support with a Halloween Costume Drive and a Personal Hygiene Drive and Falls families generously donated to both causes. What a great way to show North Attleborough Pride! Thank you for your support!
11 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Halloween Costume Drive
Personal Hygiene Item Drive