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Cheryl Johnson
Bus Driver
Lauren Johnson
Grade 4 Teacher
Community School
Susan Johnson
Instructional Assistant
Early Learning Center
Regan Johnson
Kindergarten Teacher
Amvet Boulevard School
Susan Jourdenais
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Maryann Judge
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Kelli Juergens
North Attleborough High School
Stephen Jutras
Rachel Kalalas
Falls School
Hannah Kamara
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Stephen Kapulka
Assistant Principal
Community School
Colleen Kaufman
Amvet Boulevard School
David Kayata
Physical Education Teacher
Falls School
Kim Keane
Science Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Kayla Keenan
Community School
Molly Kelleher
English Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Danielle Kelly
Instructional Assistant
Amvet Boulevard School
Brooke Kelly
Grade 1 Teacher
Falls School
Darcy Kerr
Grade 7 Math Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Christopher Kertyzak
Physics Teacher
North Attleborough High School