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Karen Houston
Title I Reading Teacher
Community School
Nicholas Howard
English Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Sara Howell
Preschool Teacher
Early Learning Center
Courtney Hudgins
North Attleborough High School
Daniel Hulsman
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Chelsea Hurley
Occupational Therapist
Community School
Matty Hurley
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough Middle School
Inho Hyun
Community School
Kathleen Ilacqua
Instructional Assistant
Roosevelt Avenue School
Susan Inglese
Grade 4 Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Romila Irungbam
Assistant Cafeteria Manager
North Attleborough Middle School
Jessica Jackson
Grade 2 Teacher
Community School
Kerri Jacob
ELL Teacher
Community School
Vanessa Jaworski
North Attleborough Middle School
Charlie Jette
Head Custodian
Falls School
Julie Johnson
Occupational Therapist
North Attleborough High School
Heather Johnson
ELL Teacher
Amvet Boulevard School
Kristen Johnson
Physical Education Teacher
Amvet Boulevard School
Peter Johnson
North Attleborough High School
Heather Johnson
Grade 2 Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School