It seems like we were just welcoming our students back to school and, here we are, sending our 5th graders off to Middle School! We say a heartfelt thanks to all of our wonderful families and students for a great year at Roosevelt. We wish you an enjoyable, fun-filled summer, lots of family time and new memories to be made. We'll be waiting for you at the end of August.

Press Release: North Attleborough High School Announces Hiring of Three Varsity Coaches. https://jgpr.net/2023/06/13/north-attleborough-high-school-announces-hiring-of-three-varsity-coaches/

Welcome to our newly-appointed Falls School Principal, Reza Sarkarati! https://jgpr.net/2023/03/31/north-attleborough-falls-elementary-school-welcomes-new-principal/

Welcome to our new Athletic Director, Dr. Nick Schlierf! Go Big Red! https://jgpr.net/2023/03/29/north-attleborough-public-schools-selects-dr-nick-schlierf-as-new-athletic-director/

Some well-deserved recognition for Martin School teacher Patti Tannock! https://jgpr.net/2023/03/22/north-attleborough-public-schools-teacher-honored-with-north-attleborough-plainville-rotary-clubs-outstanding-educator-award/

Due to the inclement weather, the North Attleborough Public Schools will have an early release day tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14. Each school will follow its typical early-release schedule.

Awesome news from NAMS! And a huge shout-out to the North Attleboro/Plainville Rotary Club for donating the uniforms. https://jgpr.net/2023/03/10/north-attleborough-public-schools-announce-new-unified-basketball-team/

North Attleborough Food Service Director, Heath Baril, advocates to make Universal School Meals program permanent. Read about it here: https://tinyurl.com/2xs6vczb. Well done Heather!

Due to the impending snowstorm (and in particular, the timing of the storm), the North Attleborough Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28.

North Attleborough High School does Encanto! What a great winter rally - thank you to our amazing students, faculty, and staff for a pre-holiday celebration. Enjoy the video. @NorthHigh1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmbWYu9xYxc

On behalf of the High School Junior Class, you are invited to the Student vs. Faculty basketball game - see below for more details! @NorthHigh1

Please be on the lookout for increased parking restrictions around Community Field for Friday's football game. It is important to adhere to the restrictions to allow for public safety vehicles to safely access the field and serve the neighborhood in the event of an emergency.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for NAPS! It's
everything NAPS, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3yD2Jqj
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3g1tMFk

The Hockomock Area YMCA is partnering with Minding Your Mind to provide education through community workshops that focus on mental well-being resiliency and supportive strategies. See attached flyer for more details about two upcoming workshops (free and open to all!)

There’s no better sight to see than when a group of kids believe in something and each other so much that they’re willing to get up early to prove it to themselves and each other everyday by putting it all on the line in the hot sun. Fall season is around the corner! Go Big Red!

Welcome to our new faculty and staff! Happy to have them on the North Attleborough team.