IMPORTANT UPDATE (5:30 AM): The North Attleborough Public Schools will be CLOSED TODAY, Thursday, February 6. I apologize for the inconvenience and for the change in decision from last night, but I believe it's the best decision for our students and staff. Thank you for understanding.
about 1 month ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
IMPORTANT ALERT: The North Attleborough Public Schools will have an early release day tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, due to concerns about icy and worsening road conditions in the afternoon. Dismissal will follow the standard early release schedule. There will be no PM session at the Early Learning Center.
about 1 month ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
📢 We’re excited to share our new Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan, designed to foster a safer, more inclusive school environment. Watch this short video to learn about the steps we’re taking to address bullying, and all negative behavior, in our schools.
5 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
bulying graphic
Town of North Attleborough Veteran Services announces Veteran's EXPO for Veterans and thier families.. Visit the website for more information.
6 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
CALENDAR REMINDER: High School Building Project Community Forum tonight at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
6 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Tonight's the Night! Please join us at the first-ever "Under the Stars Movie Night" on the new Beaupre Field Scoreboard! Showing of Inside Out 2 begins at 6:30 pm. Hope you can make it.
6 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
movie night poster
Just a reminder that the first day of school is Wednesday, August 28. We hope you enjoy the last weeks of summer and we can't wait to see YOU!
7 months ago, Roosevelt Avenue School
Check out the latest video in our High School Building Project series. This video features our "Education Plan" which will be submitted to MSBA this summer.
9 months ago, John Antonucci
screenshot of video cover
Due to the impending snowstorm, the North Attleborough Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13.  Please be safe, and enjoy the day. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Reminder: The High School Building Project Community Forum is TONIGHT at 5:30 pm in the High School Auditorium. Hope you can make it!
about 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
WEATHER ALERT: Due to the inclement weather, all afternoon and evening activities are canceled today, Tuesday, January 16.
about 1 year ago, John Antonucci
TWO-HOUR DELAY: There will be a two-hour delay to NAPS school start times today, Wednesday, Jan 10. That means that bus pickup and school start times will begin two hours later than normal. Schools will be dismissed at the normal time. In addition, the morning Pre-School session at the ELC is canceled today.
about 1 year ago, John Antonucci
Dear NAPS Families, There are several road closures throughout town due to the severe weather conditions this morning. It is likely that many bus routes will experience delays this afternoon for drop-off. If for any reason a bus can not safely deliver a student home, the student will return to the school and parents/guardians will be notified. Thank you for your patience.
about 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Come support the Senior Class’ Annual Student vs Staff Basketball Game this Thursday, November 16 at 5 pm in the NAHS gym! It’s open for everyone in the community! Tickets will be sold at the door for $5, and a 50/50 raffle will also take place during the game! Go Big Red!
over 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
The start time for tonight's School Committee meeting has been delayed to 6:30 pm due to the tornado warning.
over 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
POTENTIAL BUS ISSUES FOR HOPPIN HILL AVE. & DRAPER AVE. As of 6:25 am, both roads are still closed due to flooding. Busses may not be able to travel down either road. Any student not able to attend school due to these road closures will also have excused absences. We apologize for the service interruption.
over 1 year ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Today and tomorrow is New Teacher Orientation. Welcome to the newest members of the Big Red family!
over 1 year ago, John Antonucci
New Teachers
NAMS Welcomes Kathleen Perry as Interim Assistant Principal - read the press release here:
over 1 year ago, John Antonucci
headshot of Kathleen Perrry
✅ New bleachers ✅ Final Track Surfacing completed this week ✅ New Bathroom/Concession construction underway Beaupre Field is looking good!
over 1 year ago, John Antonucci
beaupre field drone photo
PRESS RELEASE: Rebecca Paulhus Selected as New Principal of North Attleborough Middle School.
over 1 year ago, John Antonucci
becky paulhus headshot