So far 20 Falls families have recognized a Veteran. If you have a loved one who you would like Falls to recognize this Veterans Day, please send in your Wall of Honor dedication and we will proudly display it.
Malcolm Mitchell and Patriot Subaru celebrated reading achievements like football accomplishments. What a wonderful night for the students and their families.
The Falls Book Fair is open Monday until 6:00 pm. Use the library door to enter and leave the Book Fair.
What a special treat! Author and former New England Patriot Malcolm Mitchell stopped by Falls to read his book "My Very Favorite Book in the Whole World". Thank you to Patriot Subaru for giving a copy of the book to each student in Grade 2!
Congratulations to our PBIS raffle winners for being safe, respectful and responsible! This week, while visiting classes I learned the Narrative Diamond song and saw a lot of focused, close reading. We ended the week with a Fun Friday karaoke edition during Grades 2-5 lunch.
Falls former Interim Principal, Mrs. Brown, surprised the students today by stopping by to say hi. The students and teachers were very excited to reconnect with Mrs. Brown! Maybe I can get her to do lunch duty?!
North Attleborough Cares reached out for support with a Halloween Costume Drive and a Personal Hygiene Drive and Falls families generously donated to both causes. What a great way to show North Attleborough Pride! Thank you for your support!
This week we discussed Growth Mindset, how it's okay to make mistakes and in Grades 2 & 3 learned strategies to solve small problems. Congratulations to this week's PBIS raffle winners for being safe, respectful and/or responsible!
What a beautiful morning for Walk to School Day! Thank you Mr. Kayata for organizing this event for the families of Falls Elementary School. We plan to do another Walk to School Day this Spring.
Students new to Falls and one friend joined Mr. Sarkarati and Mrs. Hardro for our New to Falls Luncheon. Students enjoyed some pizza and shared how their first month as members of our community went.
Today, four Falls 5th graders did an excellent job leading our first Whole School Meeting. We recognized the September Students of the Month, found out who won the Summer Reading Challenge and Grade 2 taught how to do the Quarter Macarena.
Falls 3rd graders visited the Bristol County Savings Bank to kick off the "Savings Makes Cents" financial literacy program. To learn more, visit:
The Unlikely Story introduced our 1st and 2nd Graders to author Abby Hanson and her latest book: "Dory Fantasmagory." She also provided tips on how to develop your skills as an illustrator and author. 5th Grade spent the day outside with Nature's Classroom completing hands-on activities. What an interesting day of learning at Falls!
This week's PBIS focus was on being respectful. Among the scores of students caught being respectful, here are this week's raffle winners. Students won a prize bag from the residents of The Branches or a NE Patriots give away. Next week we find out who won Student of the Month!
Still plenty of time to make the Falls Dine Out night at BJ's Brewhouse and Restaurant on Rte 1. Thank you for your support!
The Falls Elementary School Coin Wars has started! Please support our PTO fundraiser. Your donation will fully fund field trips for all students, cover assembly fees and provides money for special events.
We have so many safe, respectful and responsible students at Falls Elementary School. These lucky students won our weekly drawing and a gift bag from the residents of The Branches. We appreciate your safe and responsible choices!
Thank you to all the families who joined our teachers and community partners at our Open House. Together, we can make this a great year for all students!
The start time for tonight's School Committee meeting has been delayed to 6:30 pm due to the tornado warning.
POTENTIAL BUS ISSUES FOR HOPPIN HILL AVE. & DRAPER AVE. As of 6:25 am, both roads are still closed due to flooding. Busses may not be able to travel down either road. Any student not able to attend school due to these road closures will also have excused absences. We apologize for the service interruption.