We had a great turnout for the Falls Talent Show tonight! Thank you to all the parents and teachers who volunteered to make this happen. The show allowed so many students a chance to shine in a variety of ways! Great way to end the week!!!
4 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Talent Show
Talent Show
Talent Show
PBIS Raffle Winners
Congratulations to Shelley Hardro and all the other educators recognized at the 2021 NA SEPAC Heroes Awards! You deserve this recognition for all you do!
4 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Hardro NA SEPAC Awards
Today's Grade 3 Talking Zoo was an informative and creative celebration of learning. I learned a lot talking to the students!
4 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Talking Zoo
Talking Zoo
Talking Zoo
Happy Earth Day! It is so nice to be back from April break! Please contribute to our Fun Run fundraiser. Information was sent before vacation. Attention dog lovers: Author W. Bruce Cameron is coming to Falls on May 6. Be on the lookout for your chance to buy his books.
4 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Earth Day
Author Visit Book Sale
Today we had the Whole School Meeting and learned about the Color Run Fundraiser on May 17. Please support our fundraiser! We also recognized the Students of the Month. Great job!
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
School Meeting & Color Run Kick Off
April Students of the Month
school meeting
The @FeinsteinFound provided a free Tai Chi Assembly to our students in Grades K-2. Terry Cannon led the students and asked them how they could make the world a better place. The students really enjoyed the experience!
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Happy Solar Eclipse Day! Congratulations to our PBIS raffle winners! The Scholastic Book Fair ends tomorrow. Tuesday is Red Sox opening day. Wear baseball gear!
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
eclipse day 2024
solar eclipse 2024
PBIS weekly raffle
5th graders spread kindness in K & 1 by hiding plastic eggs filled with inspirational messages. Who needs jellybeans?! Congratulations to this week's PBIS winners for being respectful, responsible and safe! No school Friday and Tuesday. MCAS starts Wednesday for Grades 3-5.
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Kindness Eggs
PBIS raffle winners
hiding kindness egg
Sidy Maiga and his band shared the music of Western Africa to Falls. This program was brought to us thanks to the support of the North Attleborough Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, and the Falls PTO. @masscultural
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Sidy Maiga Performance
Sidy Maiga Performance
Falls kindergartners really dug the fossils enrichment program from the Children's Museum of Easton. @CMEaston
5 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Congratulations to our Students of the Month who were recognized at our school meeting. Extra special congratulations to our Pi Day Challenge winner Noah for recalling 71 digits of Pi.
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
School Meeting
Pi Day Challemge
Grade 2 students put the finishing touches on their ancestor interview and research projects today. Excellent job!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
ancestor project
ancestor project
ancestor project
ancestor project
Great turnout to the Falls Family Bowling party at North Bowl Lanes. Thank you Falls PTO for organizing such a fun event!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Congratulations to Mrs. Labonte's class for showing the most spirit during our Read Across America Spirit Week. Today classes teamed up to celebrate #SELDay. Congratulations to our PBIS raffle winner for being respectful, responsible and safe!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Read Across America
PBIS raffle winnners
Tomorrow (Thursday) at Falls is Wear a Superhero shirt. Here's how YOU can be a superhero: donate to our YMCA gift card drive. Here's how: Have your student bring in a cash donation, the PTO will collect the money and use it to buy the YMCA gift cards for their drive. Donations are voluntary but extremely appreciated!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Thanks to the Feinstein Foundation and the Falls PTO, we bought a set of ukuleles! Congratulations to our weekly PBIS raffle winners for being safe, respectful and/or responsible. Read Across America Week starts Monday. Send me a picture of your family celebrating reading!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
read across America
Thanks to the PTO, Grades 4 & 5 made six new friends. According to Marcia Wilson, this is the 12th time the 4th & 5th graders participated in this Eyes on Owls assembly since 2001. Who who knew?
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Grade 3 students experienced what school was like in 1854 by visiting the Little Red School House. What a great experience!
6 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
Little Red School House
LRS Gr 3
LRS 2024
1854 school
What a great way to head into February break! A whole school field trip to the theater; karaoke and a sundae party for the winners of the raffle from the Sweetheart Dance. Enjoy your vacation!
7 months ago, Reza Sarkarati
sundae party
fun Friday
PBIS winners
inspired drawing
I hope you are having a nice snow day! I used the morning to learn the basics of Canva and reflect on our first 100+ days. Have look at some of the wonderful things we have done so far. https://www.canva.com/design/DAF8sKBR4Yc/KmSZma6t7-GwUEk1Gftm9A/watch?utm_content=DAF8sKBR4Yc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
7 months ago, Reza Sarkarati