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Jeremy Thornton
Chemistry Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Amy Thornton
Science Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Donald Tibbetts
Head Custodian
Roosevelt Avenue School
Paul Tobin
Social Studies Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Katie Tomlinson
Kindergarten Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Meaghan Toomey
Interim Assistant Director of Student Services
Jill Torres
Spanish Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Rachel Treweek
North Attleborough Middle School
Amanda Troiano
North Attleborough Middle School
Chad Turcotte
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough High School
Emily Turner
Team Chair
Community School
Melissa Twohig
Team Chair
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Perilene Twyman
North Attleborough High School
Susanne Udall
Spanish Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Stephanie Unaka
Instructional Assistant
Early Learning Center
Paula Uthoff
Grade 1 Teacher
Amvet Boulevard School
Marguerite Valeri
Grade 1 Teacher
Community School
Lavanya Vanamali
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough Middle School
Kerry Varr
Grade 2 Teacher
Community School
Roxanne Vegiard
North Attleborough Middle School