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Tara Savko
Teacher - Community
Community School
Renee Scafidi
Grade 4 Teacher
Roosevelt Avenue School
Karl Schaeffer
Bus Driver
Kimberly Schliefke
Math Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Melissa Schwalbe
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Ashley Scibilia
Grade 4 Teacher
Roosevelt Avenue School
Jonathan Scibilia
Science Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Catherine Scorpio
Math Teacher
North Attleborough High School
Margaret Scott
Instructional Assistant
Early Learning Center
Erin Sees
Intervention Specialist
North Attleborough Middle School
Anju Sharma
Instructional Assistant
Early Learning Center
Patricia Sharpe
Instructional Assistant
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Jill Shaughnessy
Grade 1 Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Michael Shaw
Falls School
Amanda Shields
North Attleborough Middle School
Jill Shoop
Falls School
Jonathan Simas
Science Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Lori Simmons
Instructional Assistant
Community School
William Simpson
Assistant Principal
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Victoria Smith
Community School