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Jill Pizarro
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent
Susan Plant
Office Professional
Falls School
Sara Plante
North Attleborough Middle School
Anna Pless
North Attleborough Middle School
Michelle Poirier
Falls School
Katherine Pontes
School Psychologist
North Attleborough High School
Kala Post
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Emilie Pothier
Instructional Assistant
Roosevelt Avenue School
Danielle Poto
Spanish Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Meghan Preston
Resource Teacher
Community School
Tara Puccio
Preschool Teacher
Early Learning Center
Danielle Quatromini
English Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Nancy Quinn
Instructional Assistant
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Kimberly Ralph
Instructional Assistant
Falls School
Marc Ramieri
Bus Driver
Seema Rathore
Instructional Assistant
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Chiara Razzino
North Attleborough High School
Kaitlyn Rea
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Emily Read
Grade 1 Teacher
Roosevelt Avenue School
Jenna Reagan
Grade 6 Reading Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School