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Kim Goldman
Art Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Glenn Golley
North Attleborough Middle School
Lily Goneau
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough Middle School
Sarah Gouck
Physical Therapist
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Rachel Gould
Instructional Assistant
Community School
John Gould
Facilities Mechanical Technician
Susan Goulet
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Kerrie Grant
Reading Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Brittany Greene
School Psychologist
Community School
Kelsey Gregory
North Attleborough High School
Sandra Greve
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough High School
Wayne Griffin
Industrial Tech. Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School
Amanda Guerra
Speech Pathologist
Falls School
Rena Guilfoy
Preschool Teacher
Early Learning Center
Justin Guimond
North Attleborough Middle School
Caitlin Guindeira
Reading Teacher
Joseph W. Martin Jr. Elementary School
Kristal Gurgone
Instructional Assistant
North Attleborough High School
Patrick Guthrie
Lead Groundskeeper
Alexandra Hall
Instructional Assistant
Community School
Brett Hallahan
Grade 6/7 Math Teacher
North Attleborough Middle School